Little Man just turned 3 months on Thursday. So, I thought it was a perfect excuse to break out the camera and get some of his chubby cheek goodness caught on film (so to speak). I had a hard time deciding between color and black and the end I decided to go with timeless b&w and I threw one color one in there because his shirt and the blanket matched so well!
Watch for info on Christmas card mini sessions coming soon!
So...its been forever! Having two older almost totally self sufficient kids made me forget how much time newborns actually take out of your day! So, it has taken me quite some time to get these photos edited and posted, but here they are!
Little Man had a bit of a rocky start with acid reflex and an ear infection, but I am happy to report that he seems to be on the mend and most days is happy as a lark. He is ten weeks and already weighs 13.5 pounds! I am sure there will be pictures to follow...someday!
All of the images contained on this website are the sole property of Lazy Daisy Design and can not be copied, reproduced, or used without written permission.