Monday, February 13, 2012


My friend (and awesome photographer) Vanessa Rae and her friend have started up a great blog;  Each week they give a word, and then you create your own memoir from that word. What a great way to get you to think every week and then create.

Week 1: Story.  

"l remember being with my dad.  He would get these far-off looks in his eye, and he would say, "Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan....
I just wish I realized at the time, he was talking about my life."
-While you were Sleeping.

This week, the Hubby and I are coming up on a pretty big anniversary.  Which, has gotten me to thinking about the past a lot.  I remember being engaged, sitting on the couch, and planning out our future....  Although I don't remember all that was said, I do know for sure that no where in the plan was their a Masters Degree  in Albuquerque, New Mexico or me being a photographer....yet, here we are!  On May 12th, Hubby will get his Masters Degree.  On May 18th K will graduate from preschool.  On May 24th S will be done with 2nd grade.  On May 25th Baby G will turn 1 yrs old.  These things I am sure of.  After that...NOT. A. CLUE.  Where will Hubby be working?  What state will we be living in?  Will K go to all day Kindergarten or half day?  Where?  When? How?
My story right now is a pathway that leads to......

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Some exciting things going on for you this year! It's hard when we can't see where our story leads. I look forward to reading more of your "story". :)


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