Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Fun!

While my parent were in town last weekend we were going to go take some family photos.  "The best laid plans...."  Needless to say, that didn't happen.  Playing cards was much more fun!  So, today I took Baby K with me to scout out some spots for my fall mini sessions.  Since it is the same spot I want to do our family pics I decided to do some of K while we were there....  I just love this time of year!  Here in NM the leaves are just barely starting to change and they are so pretty....before they all drop off and the trees are ugly for a few months!  Oh well, gotta enjoy it while we can!  Baby K was a good sport and let me take a bunch of pictures of her (I think it had something to do with the candy I had stashed in my pocket-hey, whatever works!)......

I know some people hate it when photographers cut the tip tops of people's heads off...what about their whole heads??  Ha ha.  I was just so proud that she got some air!

 I love how the light is shining down right to her head....


This is such a classic K look!

Hopefully more Fall Family pictures to come soon.  Otherwise K might be the only one to make the Christmas card this year!! :cD


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